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Found 17690 results for any of the keywords of violence. Time 0.009 seconds.
HomeAs a public safety priority, the Office of Violence Reduction develops and implements a citywide violence reduction strategy, focusing on the communities most impacted by violence.
Multnomah County, Cities of Portland, Gresham combating gun and communWhile the current downward trend is encouraging, it also shows that sustained efforts and investments are required to return to pre-pandemic levels.
Safe Horizon | HomepageSafe Horizon is the Nation s Leading Victim Assistance Organization. Moving victims of violence from crisis to confidence since 1978.
Domestic Violence and Abuse - HelpGuide.orgAre you or someone you care about in an abusive relationship? Learn about domestic abuse, including the more subtle signs.
Disability Support Toolkit | 1800RESPECTThe Disability Support Toolkit has resources for frontline workers supporting people with disability who have been impacted by violence and abuse. It includes guidelines, fact sheets, videos and Easy English resources.
OSHA courses / classes HAZWOPER courses workplace violence EPAOSHA / HAZWOPER /EPA courses / training and certification classes. Work place violence classes.Chemical, Biological, enviornmental, occupational, asbestos, asphalt, confined space, general industry,blood borne pathogens,
Family Violence and Its Implications under Family Law in AustraliaAustralian law protects individuals from acts of domestic violence or abuse. Each state and territory has enacted laws that benefit domestic violence victims.
Tampa Domestic Violence Lawyer | When Conflict is Close to HomeSeeking a Tampa domestic violence attorney? Speak with an experienced Tampa domestic violence lawyer today. Free consultations.
Top Grand Rapids Domestic Violence Lawyer | Shawn HaffDomestic violence charges are serious. Put a serious Grand Rapids defense lawyer on your side. Call Criminal Defense Attorney Shawn Haff now at 616-438-6719!
Domestic Violence - McGuire Megna Attorneys - Law Offices Serving CleaProtect your rights and safety. McGuire Megna Attorneys in Clearwater provide compassionate legal support for domestic violence cases, including injunctions and defense. Call today!
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